Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Scary dreams?....definitions not so scary

So, last  night I had this seemingly disturbing dream.  It was pretty abstract, jumping from one "scene" to another.  Anyway, I dreamt that I was running down the hallway of an old and run-down sky scraper that sat along the coast of crashing waves, the building has many floors and was kind of built into the side of the cliff long the water.  The entire building's water-facing wall was all windows, with a dingy yellow light illuminating from them.  Im was running along the hallway on the top floor.  Nobody else was in the building, no one was chasing me, I was just running. I reached the end of the hallway and went out the door to the mini balcony/fire escape and stopped.  Felt I could and needed to run farther.

Cut to...dancing...me, dancing, lol.  It was full on aerobic, full body extension, exaggerated movement type dancing. I dont do this in real life of course, but in the dream, it felt amazing to move like that.  Anyway, I was dancing in front of this outdoor stage in which there was no performer, but loud music was playing anyway.  And a kind of county fair atmosphere going on in the background.  The music stopped after a while, and I was ticked that I couldn't dance more.

Cut to...the "scary part"...I was standing in front of an old looking oval mirror, with a thick gold, scroly/ornate frame.  There is one of those mirrors in the room I am staying in at my friend's house at the moment.  I also own a similar mirror that I have since painted black...I digress.  Anyway, I am standing in front of this mirror.  I am not really trying to see myself, but I cannot, reguardless. Some kind of mystical gypsy wanders up and materializes somehow at my side.  She has long flowing black hair and appears as though she's standing near a fan.  You know, how the models do it? She just looked as though she was standing in the wind while being in a still room.  So the first image I see in the mirror is of this gypsy woman held up on a thin plate type surface, a circular image.  It quickly crumbles from her hand into dust.  Then she kind of looks at the mirror, then at me, though not directly, and I hear this loud shreiking scream.  I tried to scream as well to offset the terror I felt when I hear this gypsy woman's shreik.  But it just got louder and scarier, and that's what woke me up.

So I got on this computer of friend's here while he is still sleeping and started looking up the key images of the dream....here's what I found.

The buiding: Represents your level of conciousness.  Bottom floors or basements represent supressed or deeply rooted feelings desires, and ideas.  The upper floors represent spiritual and intuitive feelings, with the top floor being the highest level of spirituality, or inner thoughts and feelings, your gut feelings, how you interpret life's meaning, all that.

Running...symbolizes freedom.  Just running to run, even enjoying the run is a symbol of freedom.  I was running with a slight sense of urgency, but not trying to get away from anything or anyone.  So Im kind of self-interpreting that as taking charge of my own freedom and not trying to fit into anyone's box of what I think that people think I am like.  Does that make sense?  Like taking back control of myself, not letting anyone shape my definition but me. This, I think, makes sense since Ive recently reunited with people I haven't seen in several years, and I observe changes in them, but remember how I used to be around them and not wanting to crawl in that mental state again.  One where I don't have much of an opinion and go along with anything that comes along. I could go into much greater detail on this one, but lets just  say the running makes sense to me.

Dancing alone in your dream......Represents an expression of creativity or self. "Dancing is a form of art where you free yourself from constraints and move with a rhythm. Thus, to dream that you are dancing reflects your current happy state. Currently, you are blessed with feelings of tranquility and balance being instilled in your life. You have a tremendous amount of inspiration and creative energy, waiting to be released."

The gyps, crumbling image....again a very mystical symbolism here as well.  The crumbling image is what I saw myself as before, and it was going away, being reinvented.

Screaming.....a symbol of deep-seated emotions or ideas that you have consciously been supressing, too afraid to express, etc. Keeping feelings inside until boiling point is something I am quite familiar with.

So, a dream that ended up kinda scary, really wasn't after all. Dancing was a way to express my creativity and joy. I was also chasing down my own psychologogical freedom at my highest level of spiritual consciousness.  My old image of myself is shattered and now being reformed, and the screaming is a way to get  all the old junk out!  Overall, a pretty positive dream.

I would encourage everyone to look up the key images of their dreams.  Especially in the scarier ones, it's nice to know that they are bad things at all!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the lame typos! I was on a lap top and not familiar with the keyboard.
